A new year
My goodness it has been a while since I have posted a blog. I thought I should give an update, giving my current situation looking after...

Getting back on track
Since my last post things with my dad are getting better, I am managing to get in to a kind of routine, which is great as I have been...

What's been happening
There has been a lot going on in my life at the moment and I have not really been focused on anything until I started to write another...

New short story
I am pleased to announce I am currently working on a new short story that is set in Japan. Without giving too much away, The citizens of...

Separating the websites
I have spent most of this week sorting the websites so everything to do with Master Shǒuwèi is all on masterguardian.co.uk and everything...

YÅ«rei Samurai Book two
It is great to finally be doing the next instalment of YÅ«rei Samurai and to be making use of the picture above which a fan kindly find me...

Good to continue it
Since completing A Lost Kingdom I have got back in to writing more of Yūrei Samurai. It has been a year since I did another chapter and...

Getting there
I have to admit, I was hoping to have A Lost Kingdom out by now. Life has got in the way, I have been sorting my late mama's funeral and...

Nearly there.
It is always good to have someone go through a story to spot those little things that I have missed, or to tell me when something is not...

Update on A lost kingdom
I'm sorry the story has been delayed, this is because I have just recently lost my mother, who departed this world on 30th of October. I...