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Yūrei Samurai Book two

It is great to finally be doing the next instalment of Yūrei Samurai and to be making use of the picture above which a fan kindly find me on pinterest. Even though the past few months have been really challenging with looking after my father I am still finding the time to come up with a new story. In a way it is a nice escape from reality and my father's poor health. I will do my best to continue writing it and other side stories I have created.

I have decided there is no use in continuing with A lost Kingdom whilst I do not have much time to write and that series I feel needs a lot of dedicated time as well as concentration to keep it up to the slandered of the first three books. It is something to do when my live is back to normal and I am no longer taking care of my father.

So far I have written 5 chapters to the new Yūrei Samurai story and I am currently writing chapter 6. I have to say it is actually nice to be doing ten minuet chapters. I have no idea how big this one is going to be and I will say forgive me if at times it is not of good quality, it's just sometimes it is not easy to concentrate when so much is going off. But this is the thing life is always messy and I'm just working at the moment to get a break from my ill father. I hope you, the fans, can understand I have had a very difficult time since the end of last year and even the beginning of a new year it still feels like it will never end, that I will never be free of this burden that has been dropped in my lap. No, one seems to care or understand and in a way I am glad I have my writing to keep me going, otherwise I think I have cracked myself. Oh well all I do is carry on as best I can and hope that things become easier soon.

Again I apologise if my work is not great and I hope you all understand my situation is just really hard at the moment to focus on anything.



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