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A new year

My goodness it has been a while since I have posted a blog. I thought I should give an update, giving my current situation looking after my terminal-ill father, I am only writing short stories and have been writing Yūrei Samurai: Search for the lost king, which is the third book in the series.

I have also been moving all the stories I posted on booknet to Wattpad, This is because booknet is no longer showing my stories and most of the time the links to the page is not working, which is not good. Please bare with me as I move things over and hopefully all links will be working soon.

I have managed to put Detective Wāng: Forgotten case and Gerald the great: Odd request (Inspired by The Witcher) back at the top for they are the new stories I am yet to complete. Hopefully now I am linking Wattpad to my websites they will get more attention and feedback.



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