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Nearly there.

It is always good to have someone go through a story to spot those little things that I have missed, or to tell me when something is not quite right. My beta reader is just that person, she has been wonderful at spotting those last little bits that needed to be ironed out and anything that needed a bit more explaining has been covered. So, all being well after this last run through is done I can go ahead and finally published A Lost Kingdom which will contain the first three books.

In a mist all the chaos, that is happening in my life at the moment, I hope to continue the series even though it might take me a little while to get book four written. I am still a have no idea if there is going to be a book five. I will just have to see how things go. Also I know once my life is back to normal things will run a lot smoother and I will be able to get a lot more work done.



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