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What's been happening this month

All this mouth I have been busy sorting the new Anniversary edition of Master Guardian Part 1 & 2, I have designed a cover for the new Part One which I am still yet to colour as my Editor, proofreader and I are wondering if illustrations of the characters are needed to be placed next to their description in the story or it is fine as it is as they do appear on the front cover. We all hope to come to a decision soon and launch it before Christmas.

(From left to right, bottom row are May, Isabel, Fedor, Guardian and Hisashi. Top row from let to right, Agito, Shinma and Josh.)

I also been having fun designing a front cover for Part thee which I am currently writing and came up with this as I thought it fitted well with the story I am creating. I have to say it has been great fun familiarising myself with Spear's abilities as it is unknown what Dreamers are capable of :)

(From left to right, May, Steve, Spear in the middle and Chris.)

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