Side stories
With the all new The Battle published, I can now turning my attention to the side stories I am yet to complete on and to some which are yet to be published on there. I have made a start on Límíng wù (Lord Lone), Spear and Chris back stories when they were children. I also hope to find a short story I did on Gabriel which is set in 1300 Japan. Once they are all finished I am thinking about sorting out the Lord Lone series, so that it includes the two stories I am doing from when he was a child to when he found The Order and why he decided to take the position of Lone Chéng at the age of 15, as it is going to make an interesting story and will explain why he is known by two names across Asia.
This is a drawing I have done of Gaylin Spear for his back story, I am hoping to do a colour one of him soon ^_^ I have to say his eyes were a real challenge to fit all seven pupils in both eyes and I hope he has come out looking very handsome and young as he is 16 forever.