Chat with editor

The other day I had an interesting little chat with my editor Kiyoshi about a scene I was working on in the up and coming Gabriel story which comes in after The Battle 1400, when he is on his journey to Japan with his uncle Narsus, this is what he asked me.
Editor: Are you going to bring in the Forest Guardians?
(He means like the ones which appear in Master Guardian Part Two The mystery guardian)
Me: Hai, when he visits 徳之島 Tokuno Island which has rabbits living on it and his Forest Guardian Skierós Ánemos Shadow Wind pays him a visit.
Editor: (うれしい happy) Don’t tell me anything about him. 質問 (Question), are you going to include キツネ (Kitsune, fox) in this one?
(Kiyoshi, means the fox god which can have up to nine tales, not the animal)
Me: Hai, a monk is going to tell Gabriel his story of seeing one whilst he was lost in a forest and I am going to have Gabe seeing one cross a garden whilst he is at the monastery on 沼島 Nushima.
Editor: すばらしい (great). 質問, are you going to bring キツネ into the マスターガーディアンシリーズ? (Master Guardian series?)
Me: Hai, I am planing on having ガード (Gādo) in a way ask キツネ for his help in finding Narsus in 秋葉原 (Akihabara), (笑い laugh) I am not saying any more as it is going to spoil the surprise.
Editor: はい, はい (Yes, yes) I cannot wait to read it. I am so pleased you are now involving キツネ into your stories it makes me very.
Me: Glad to hear it as I know how much you like the stories of the キツネ.
Editor: (笑い) はい, very much. I now really looking forward to reading the completed Gabriel story.
Me: I cannot wait to give it to you and the proofreader.
Editor: Happy writhing, and talk to you again soon ^_^
Me: Arigato and hai, later :)