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Lǐwù and the teardrop stone

I am so pleased to finally have Lǐwù and the teardrop stone available to read. I am so pleased with the way all of the drawings have turned as hands are never easy to do, a good friend of mine helped me with regards to the nails as I never thought about adding shading or colour as I just left them white, when they are not a Dragon as I am used to just making theirs look all shimmery. I had fun giving the story a sort of a comic book style to it, using Comic life and I was able to put it up as PDF document on the website. I cannot wait to see what people make of little mystery story and I hope they take the time to leave some feedback on the Comments page to let me know what they make of it as I've already one awesome comment and if I get more like that I may even consider writing a backstory to this one.

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