All published

I am so pleased to have all the new short side stories published. I know when people have read Dampa & the cursed village, it is going to leave them with a lot of questions and I will say I am planning to do the final story is in the series, only if people really start to request it. Also I will not be publishing it for free, it will be part of the Teardrop stone collection.
I have to say it has been great to finally publish a story which features Gaylin's mum Kibō and Junjie's 5th son Yè fēng. I am hoping it gives a good insight to where Gaylin gets his attitude from and helps the readers to get to know Yè fēng before I launch the Master Guardian trilogy as he will be appearing in 2 of the stories along with other Grey Dragons and Yagan jae.
In other news I will be doing an all new version of Bǎihé and the mystery gifts, this is because the current one is not that well written and it goes on too long. Hopefully it will be like A chance encounter which turned out to be 10x better than the old version, by the way, will be deleted by the weekend. I will also being doing an all new front cover as the old one does not have the gods beautiful wings or her hair tied back as Bǎihé does not wear it down and place her in a more feminine outfit ^_^