Two side stories completed

I am so pleased to have two side stories completed, Misty mountains secrets and Battle against the Day Walkers. I am currently busy writhing a third one which falls between Master Guardian part two and three, not sure about a title yet as I am yet to finish it. But this will be classed as the first side story in the trilogy with it being set around Dampa being brought down from his cave. Misty mountains secrets is the second and you guessed it Battle of the Day Walkers is number three.
Again I will say all of them are there to fill in the gaps as only peaces will them be mentioned in the beginning of the first trilogy.
I have decided I will be launching them together in a book of the there own and it is up to the readers if they would like to know the full story or not.
Once they have all been sorted I will continue to write part three and I have a feeling three side stories aren't going to be the only ones there may be more as the trilogy develops.