All side stories completed

It is so good to have all the side stories completed for the first book in the trilogy and sent them all of to my editor and proofreaders. I am still not 100% sure I have them in the right order, I will have to see what they think and I have titled the last one I was working on just Dampa, with it being centred around him.
The order stands at the moment as, Dampa, Misty mountain secrets and Battle against the Day Walkers.
It might be changed to Battle against the Day Walkers, Dampa then Misty mountains secrets being the last one.
I'll have to see if my editor Kiyoshi and the proofreaders say the same thing? :) And it is going to be interesting to see what they make of them.
I can now turn my attention to the first book in the first book in the trilogy and hope to get it completed very soon or at least before the weather gets too hot. When it does get too uncomfortable to think, I will make jewellery until it is cooler.