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What's been happening

The all new rewrite of Liming and the missing Emperor is published and because my work on Litnet is becoming quite popular, I have been taking the time to update, edit and generally tidy a few of them up. I am also doing this in time for the book launch on the 10th, so when new people visit the sight the stories have more of a professional appearance to them, so they match with the published stories.

The iron claw in the velvet glove along with Yè fēng and the cursed forest have both been updated. I have been trying to put into them how to pronounce the characters names. I have also been pleased that some people have been requesting translation as I am terrible for remembering to put it in. ^_^

I am at the moment currently working on a new short story called The mysterious towers, it is one which is made up from notes and memories. This is because the story has never been written down, I was going to bring the towers up in the old Master Guardian Part Two, but at the last minute it was edited out. But this time around I am going to include them and in a way this is a back story to help the readers to understand what they are and why they are there.

I have also changed the character Yuan's name to Rì chū lóng (Sunrise dragon) after I found out it means Round, circular, spherical and is also a Chinese surname. Ah not quite what I was after and it does not sound like it belongs to a Dragon giggle. My Chinese fans have already informed me they are happy with the change and agree it is much better.

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