Update on Secret in the forest

I have been busy sorting Secret in the forest making sure none of the books are too big for my dyslexic fans. In the beginning I was going to launch two 10 chapter books, but since turning the A4 documents into A5 the second book became too big it went from a nice 169 pages to a whopping 359 O.O that's way too big. So yesterday I asked my fans would they like me to split it again in to two manageable size books and they all said yes please. Now two books have become three, book two 134 pages, and book three before editing it was 227 pages it has since dropped down one page 226. All the front covers are sorted I just need to come with a back cover that will most likely stay the same throughout, because the way my hand is I cannot longer do a lot of drawings and paintings without it causing me some discomfort. I am going to have to get some Arthritis Gloves to help relief the pain within my hand. My editor is also kindly sending me a pair which are the same as the ones he wears for art to see if they help. ^_^
When I launch book 3 I will also be publishing Crimson moon along side it because the story slots in between chapter 20, 21 and 22. However, 21 and 22 are part of book four which I am still currently writing.
I am hoping to get the first 10 chapters out soon, I'll see how well that goes before I go on to publish the rest.