A Lost Kingdom update

I am still writing the new fantasy series, from tomorrow Book Three mysterious dreams will be off to my awesome beta reader. The reason things have taken a bit longer than planed to come out, is because I completely rewrote Book Three because the one I had written was not good at all and would have left readers quite puzzled. So, I have made sure this new version is still in keeping with the first two books, which by the way are now nothing like the ones that are up for free. They have both been through dramatic changes so that they are in keeping with the rules of fantasy when it comes to elves, dwarf and other magical folk living along side humans.
The other reason things have not been running too smoothly at the moment is because my mum is in hospital, so I am looking after my dad. I am hoping things will get back to normal soon.
I should inform you all, Book Three is not the last one, I am in the process of writing Book Four The West Kingdom. It is a great feeling I am still able to come up with ideas for the series and I still have no idea how many books there is going to be. I could follow in the footsteps of my favourite author Michael Moorcock and do six to begin with then do another four afterwards. It is going to be interesting to see how long I can keep it going and if you the readers still enjoy it down the line.
Warning, when the first three books are published I will be deleting what I have posted on Booknet and penana, and reducing the books on Webnovel down to just a sample of book one which will be updated to show it has been completely redone with better spelling and includes translation of characters and place names.