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End of the year

I cannot believe another year is over. Since the launch of Samurai and the butterfly, I have been busy writing an alternative version of Master Guardian part one, which is titled 'Master Shǒuwèi Book One Echoes of the past'. The reason for the name change is one to make it clear is a different take on the story and two to stop the confusion, because Shǒuwèi is Guard not Guardian. Also for the Japanese market it is better to call him Gādo, it is quicker and easier to pronounce. The other reason is somewhat personal, it was never meant to be Guardian, this came about all because of one editor, who did not understand why I had Chinese names when I am an English writer. (sigh) This why I really want to leave it far behind. I will though still be leaving the web name as as this will save all the hassle of getting it changed and cost. Plus it is the domain name everyone knows.

Speaking of Master Shǒuwèi Book One Echoes of the past, it is now with the proofreaders, I cannot wait to see what they make of it and I above all I hope they enjoy it.



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