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New fantasy story

As some of you are aware for the past three weeks I have been working on a fantasy series titled A lost Kingdom. I have been having a great time developing this, in a way random story. I never thought after posting the first chapter it would get meany views. I was wrong, it started to gain a lot of interest. When book one gained 1K of views, I made the decision to continue writing it and now I am currently working on book three and the views count is up to 4.86K. I still cannot believe within three weeks it is already gained that much interest. It truly is amazing and I am so happy to see the number is continuing to grow.

This is why I made the design today to hand over, when she is free, the first two books to my wonderful beta reader to go through them before I officially publish them with full translation of characters and places names.

I will say one thing, it is going to be interesting to see if anyone guesses where I got my influences from for two of my main mages in the series.

I am also debating posting the rest of book three up for free with it being nearly 5K of views and I have a feeling there might yet be a book four in the works. It is going to interesting to see how long I can keep the series going. I might yet follow in my favourite author's footsteps and write 7 and then go on to do more later based around the same main mage. I think I will see how well the first two books sell before making that decision.



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