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New story delayed

I had finished September Rain on my Birthday of 24 Sep, I handed it over to Kiyoshi, who went through it and got back to me a few days later to inform me of the following. The beginning and ending were fine. The middle however just lops and seems to drag.

This is not surprising when a lot of things happened last month, which of course has clearly had an impact on my work. also trying to rush it to get it finished within September has also contributed to it flopping badly in the middle. Now things are starting to get back to normal, I am back to my peek efficiency and the rewrite is coming along great.

Another thing the story is not set in September, it is in fact set in late August, during the summer holidays in Japan. So this is another reason I am now taking my time write it. also when I have got my new reading glasses or contact lenses I hope to do a pictures of the main characters to place into the story.

I hope to get the story sotted soon and once it is published, I will be trying to get some other side stories completed, and also published. Another thing is, I must try and stay focused on one story and not start doing something else. This is what happened with Hidden Secret, I was sorting it out to get it better before publishing it, then I had all that drama with my back up storage drive beginning to die and having to move everything over to another computer. That is how I found September Rain and got stuck in to doing that instead. Kiyoshi said, "With what has been gong off lately has not helped matters, it is no wonder you are unable to remain focused. Now things are settling back down, you do seem to be getting better again."

I agree I do seem to be like I said back on track now and I hope things continues to improve.

I must admit the crime story I wrote, is just awful, it needs a lot of work or a complete rewrite. I am determined to write something completely out of my comfort zone... saying that I think crime is a stretch too far and I may yet abandon the idea. My Mandarin Checker, even through she set me the challenge understands there is no point in writing something which I am hopeless at and she even said, "You have given it a good go, but it is clear writing crime is not for you. Supernatural, unconventional fantasy is what you should stick at. " I agree when it is something I have done and perfected over the 22 years I have been creating stories.

My goal is to get A Tale of Two Brothers done and out of the way. I cannot keep putting it off, so once this new story is published, I am going to really knuckle down and finish the last chapter, then hand it over to Kiyoshi.



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